Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do you think he would hate if I asked him out?

Me and this guy I like spoke through text a few time sa week for 7 weeks summer time we stopped. He'd always use smileys but not as much in the beginning then soon it was all the time he'd put them in. He usually used to say only goodnight then once at the end of are conversation he said goodnight & sweet dreams.Christmas I started texting him again and then I decided I had to speak to him in school. We have only had 2 conversations but when he did we stood close to each other walking smiling looking in each others eyes as we spoke. Another time I spoke to him just said hi to him but my friends were in front so he just said hey then kinda went behind mefew weeks later texted him because we had been looking at each other i n the gym and he text back from his friends phone shes in my cl I know her but she wasn't in my year last yr he knows her through her brother hes friends with him too. She texted me to tell me he hadn't got credit and that hes allright and asked how I was. So obviously he had said I texted him and must've asked her to text me she hasn't got my number only him. He responded a message because it had smileys the way he texts me. So my problem is how do I go about asking him out? this week is the last week before 2 weeks off for easter .If I don't always see him in school? If I do he is with his friend or vice versa. I do see him by himself sometimes at his locker. I could call him which I am really shy to do? He hasn't got credit it was last week when he told me he hasn't got any. What do I do? does he like me? we have never spoken on the phone before. or would he be shocked if I asked him over the phone or pleasantly suprised?

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