Saturday, August 13, 2011

Has anyone really consider what a "rapture" would imply? Really?

The sum of all people who confess Christ as their Savior who died for their sins, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Angelican, and all Protestant branches, total an estimated 1.9 Billion people in the world out of an approximate 6.75 Billion world population. All have fallen short of the glory of God, all groups have faulty teachings, and all have the righteousness of filthy rags. Therefore, if there is a rapture, God would be taking all who confessed Christ. Do you realize what this means, with Christians in nearly every occupational field in the world, if they disappeared or ascended? Hundreds of millions of car accidents; hundreds of planes falling from the skies, countless fires, complete world economic crash; m panic and paranoia; loss of utilities; devestation at worksights and in almost every industrial complex in the western world and beyond; doctors pulling babies out of mothers who disappear; hospitals in panic; people disappearing by the millions on live tv; collapse of businesses around the world, etc. This would be the greatest catastrophy to ever strike the earth- equal to the Apocalypse itself. And it would be the single most explained event in Scripture besides Christ. However, it's not; neither are the results of this "rapture" mentioned anywhere in Scripture. Paul warned about not being deceived about a secret rapture of Christ, foretelling all that must come first before we see Christ coming in the end of the Apocalypse (see 2 Thes. 2:1-8). He also teaches us that the still living won't be with Christ before the beheaded dead are raised (see 1 Thes 4:14-16; Rev. 20:4-5), which is at the last trumpet (1 Cor 15:52) when it's all over (Rev.10:7; 11:15-18). Search the book; the rapture is a paralyzing deception and twisting of a few Scriptures. Only a gathering to Israel during tribulations is mentioned in Scripture. And Christ will have no wedding without the entire Bride- Jewish believers too! Furthermore, He comes back at the Mount of Olives in Israel and is seen with the 144000 who are supposedly "left behind." As if He would celebrate somewhere out in space as the world and it's people are in torment! Foolish, foolish people!! And who do you think it is that is being beheaded for the testimony of Christ if the Jews are sealed!! And why do you think Scripture says that many of those who were killed would have to wait until their fellow servants are killed by the Beast too!! Did God rapture the first covenant people from Egypt, or did they witness the plagues? Did He lift all the animals into the ark, or did He call them by His Spirit? Has He ever saved in the manner Christians imagine? No!! He gave warnings for them to heed to protect them as they stayed on earth. Wake up rapture believers!

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