Monday, August 8, 2011

Vegans, can you help me?

If you don't know how already, learn to cook, dude. While processed convenience foods may not be vegan, EVERY store in EVERY area has hundreds of vegan ingredients (the entire produce section, at least 95% of the bulk goods section, etc...) Pick up a couple of cookbooks from the library and make your own food. You can cook up a couple of entrees on the weekend and freeze them to eat throughout the week. "Veganomicon" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero is great, especially if you're something of a beginner cook. Lots of their recipes lend themselves well to freezing. Can't find a vegan burger in your stores? Make up a big batch of black bean burgers and toss them in the freezer. Cutting out eggs is only a problem if you really want a fried egg because there's just no substitute; if you're using them as ingredients in baked goods, though, there are a lot of options.

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