Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dress help!!:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

that dress is UG-LY. but whatever. around your town there is probably stores that have the word "fashion" in them. these typically have black people clothes but im pretty sure you could find something like that there.

History of Religion: What is the best text available?

Looking for a good text that explains from where ideas in each religion came--tracing each to the oldest source(s) and putting them in context. Example: Zoroastrian and Buddhist influences on Christianity, etc. My goal is to become a better person and more respectful of others beliefs. I'm a former fundamentalist, turned agnostic (and very Buddhist), but I need some illumination on who influenced whom. What do you all recommend? Thanks so much for your help. =)

Am I a failure?

I'm 24 and was supposed to graduate this August with my IT AAS for Web design but, due to a technicality, my college won't let me take College Algebra without first taking another year's worth of math cles. I'm on the Dean's List, I work 30 hours a week and I'm trying to move out of my parents' house in January (which this whole not-graduating thing is really cramping). I'm trying to find a job in my degree field but the IT prospects here are slim, which is why I'm moving. I don't know why but I feel like I should already have graduated, already have a job and already just ... living more. I just feel like nothing I do is good enough. I guess I'm feeling the pressure of mainstream society or something.

Can a Fuel Stabilizer (Sta-bil) be used more than once to prolong a fuel's life?

1 gallon of "Sta-bil" will treat 325 gallons of gas for 2 years. It prevents the gas from gumming up, and keeps it clean. My question is, after 2 years could you add another gallon of Sta-Bil to keep the gasoline clean for another 2 years? Thanks.

Do you think he would hate if I asked him out?

Me and this guy I like spoke through text a few time sa week for 7 weeks summer time we stopped. He'd always use smileys but not as much in the beginning then soon it was all the time he'd put them in. He usually used to say only goodnight then once at the end of are conversation he said goodnight & sweet dreams.Christmas I started texting him again and then I decided I had to speak to him in school. We have only had 2 conversations but when he did we stood close to each other walking smiling looking in each others eyes as we spoke. Another time I spoke to him just said hi to him but my friends were in front so he just said hey then kinda went behind mefew weeks later texted him because we had been looking at each other i n the gym and he text back from his friends phone shes in my cl I know her but she wasn't in my year last yr he knows her through her brother hes friends with him too. She texted me to tell me he hadn't got credit and that hes allright and asked how I was. So obviously he had said I texted him and must've asked her to text me she hasn't got my number only him. He responded a message because it had smileys the way he texts me. So my problem is how do I go about asking him out? this week is the last week before 2 weeks off for easter .If I don't always see him in school? If I do he is with his friend or vice versa. I do see him by himself sometimes at his locker. I could call him which I am really shy to do? He hasn't got credit it was last week when he told me he hasn't got any. What do I do? does he like me? we have never spoken on the phone before. or would he be shocked if I asked him over the phone or pleasantly suprised?

Getting into too many fights in my shcool.?

I have beaten up an indian for starting on my friend then some guy jump in so i beated him up and NOW i have to fight another guy that can *** me up. But my friends will help me fight him. For some reason i love this, fighting i enjoy the thrill just before it. This that werid?

Darwinists, evolutionists did you read Yahoo! News today?

Scientists found a bacteria strain in a salt lake in CA. This bacteria eats arsenic. Other living organism that ingest arsenic die pretty quickly. Where is the evolution here? Single cell organisms were supposed to be the source of life on earth. Tell me what this bacteria evolved from...if you can.

How do you all feel about BP ruining the environment and marine life and the livelihoods of many?

BP officials are nothing but fat, greedy , pigs who couldn't give a darn about the environment . Its not their front door so who cares. Not them obviously. Make them get in there physically and clean it up. Pigs.

Help! about bpa-free Sippy cup & nuby sippy.?

The one my son has always liked (he is 2 1/2) is the soft spout. But he has tried alot of the Nuby and likes them all except for the kind that has a straw built in. gl!

In what city was Randy Meisner, singer/bist for The Eagles, born?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How come the Japanese don't care when I say "Oh my!"?

They give you slack because you're a foreigner,you don't have to apologize. As long as we learn from our mistakes,we don't have to condemn ourselves for them.

Israel, wouldn't it be better for you to just check the flotilla for weapons and let it proceed?

It seems like you're using force to counter a PR stunt. What would people be able to say about Israel then? No one could complain.

Is there anyone good with doing projects that doesnt mind helpin me with mines? Please i dont understand it?

We can't help you with your project if we don't what the instructions for the project are. Maybe if you post that, then you will get more helpful responses.

Rock bands in Brooklyn?

So I'm goin to Brooklyn to visit a friend at Fordham University, which is in Brooklyn obviously. I really wanna go out to like a local dive to hear some up and coming bands play. Does anyone know a good place?

Opnions about my video i have created.?

Wow u r 1 talented guy I loved it except maybe u cood make the bit lookin out of the car shorter but it is amazing !!!!!!!! I think mint royals version of singing in the rain but dats me !!!! Good luck with ur work !!!!!

Is this a good BMX bike or am i getting ripped off?

$60 is decent for that, but Mongoose has sucked big time ever since they started selling them at wal-mart in the 90's. i mean, it's better than a Huffy but still. you didn't get ripped off or anything, but you should invest in something better.

What do you think of the streak vs. career match? and BQs?

it is good for wwe to do this. HBK is known to end streaks. I saw the yellow stuff to on takers face.

Links to where i can buy metal gear solid the twin snakes for gamecube as cheap as possible with case,booklet,

and both disks.i dont want answers like ebay or amazon,i want links to people selling them,no auctions cheap.also,stores selling them cheap would be nice to,please help.metal gear solid 1,2,3,4,sons of liberty substamce snake eater subsistence guns of the patriots integral ghost bable playstation 1 2 3 x psx ps1 ps2 ps3

What do you think of Beethoven's Fifth being nicknamed "Fate"?

There are those old timers who lived through WW II who refer to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony as the Victory Symphony because the opening motif of three short notes followed by a long note is Morse Code for the letter V which was interpreted during the war as a code for Allied Victory.

Kanye's New Album...?

How do you put a in a sarcophagus? I mean the word isn't in the word sarcophagus. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON. Someone please explain to me what the hell he means.

Has anyone experienced auditory or visual hallucinations while taking Wellbutrin?

I take 400 mg of Wellbutrin a day. Somedays I hear and see things that aren't there. Is this a normal side effect of the medication?

One shot one chance with a Scorpio?

If a Gemini woman had only ONE chance to impress a y mysterious Scorpio man during their one and only meeting, what could the Gemini woman do to pique his interest in her?

If the central stars of planetary nebulae are the immediate predecessors of white dwarfs, what are the immedia?

If the central stars of planetary nebulae are the immediate predecessors of white dwarfs, what are the immediate predecessors of planetary nebulae?

Would type of breeding pair should i stock my 30 gallon with?

my fave breeding fish is the molly the are the best i had to and they had 20 live babies the Molly's eat there babies so be careful they also like to hide in the rocks and trees they seem to be friends with Ghost shrimp but there scared of frogs and ever since iv had my babies they have been disappearing and i now know my frog has been eating them! but the mollies can have up to 80 babies! to feed them take your normal food and crush it into powder so they can get it into there tinny mouths

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In today's world: is having a good paying job more important than following your dreams?

Times are tough nowadays and a secure job that pays the bills every month is important. In my opinion, if you can't get a good salary to support yourself from your dream job, why not take a course first that you have also an interest in but will provide you an income and from there, you can start working on your dream?. I think you will be more equipped in following your dream if you have the means to see it through, with a secured home, health and food on the table.

Just looking for opinions.......?

I don't think there is any tweeking involved. I think you already have two great names. I think Gretchen and Julian are great and Lorraine and Russell are both fitting since they are family names. Kudos for actually submitting good names on Yahoo Answers!

I have autism. Do you know someone with Autism? If so, click here!?

I think that would be an excellent idea, I think it would open a lot of peoples eyes, and yes give a really good insight. My daughter has down syndrome and autism and doesnt speak and I find it hard to understand what she is trying to tell me sometimes, she just functions in a different way that sometimes i cant see what is obvious to her and yes sometimes i have to ume, see her reaction and try again. I would love to hear your whats and whys and understand more. Go for it.

Some Jimi Hendrix Songs?

I'm only 18 so Jimi Hendrix isn't exactly my time of music but lately I've heard a few of his songs and love them! Any ideas on some good Jimi Hendrix songs to listen to? I love Foxy Lady so I want some similar songs with a good beat and fun to listen to :) or maybe just similar artist and songs... thanks!


Research on stereotypes suggests that when people are labeled in some way (e.g. blacks, whites, gays, etc.), strong stereotypes relating to these labels may be activated. Such stereotypes may then exert a powerful influence on subsequent judgments and decisions about these people. This has led some psychologists to criticize the DSM-IV, since one of the results of its use is the ignment of labels to individuals (e.g. schizophrenic, autistic, or depressed). Do you think that igning such descriptive labels to people could have negative effects? If so, what would these be?

What is the size at 13year old who is a late grower?

there is no average size, it depends on the individual just because your a late grower, the average size for a male is 5.5- 6 inches so dont worry

Is this a coincidence anyone?

It does not 'mean' anything! Are these people serious??? Everyone's saying about deaths in threes. Or on the 25th. Or they were same ages. So damn what? Why are you trying to make it more than what it is? It's getting really twisted.

I just bought cycle by nutrafin an i was in the middle of cycling my tank will it stop the cycle or will help?

Also I got high ammonia in the beginning then 0 ammonia and high nitrites then 0 ammonia 0 nitrites then I got a low ammonia level and 0 nitrites what does this mean!!!Also any ideas on bringing pH down its at about 8.5 and my normal water is 7.5 there's nothing in the tank just normal aquarium gravel storebought driftwood and live plants.No seashells.I heard about that u could put peat mossin the filter bag but I dont understand how to do it.I want to keep tetras and platies and guppyies.Its a 29 gallon.Why is my tank recycling itself if thats what its doing I didnt add anything to the tank

What should i do about my relationship?

What a mess! It sounds like he is genuinely depressed and he may need treatment for this. Ex-army personnel tend to have issues, especially if he saw active service. Being a man, it might be a bit of a struggle getting him to admit it, but if he does, that will help. If he doesn't want to go to college, he will have to get a job - no-one eats for free - and he might prefer this. I'd be a bit cautious about being a single parent - it won't help your career prospects, and it's not ideal for the kids either. Work out a budget for your family together, so he can see what problems there are, and why he needs to get some money somehow. Best of luck.

My Coastal Carpet Python is staying in one place?

When i get her out she moves heaps. But when shes in viv she always goes to her same highest spot, is this normal??

Telephoto lens for Kodak z1015? Help!?

Hello everyone, I have a KODAK EASYSHARE Z1015 10MP DIGITAL CAMERA. Is there a telephoto lens that will fit this slr camera? I am still pretty new to the whole slr camera scene, so any help would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks again. 5 points to winner!

Washburn vs Schecter. I need help choosing a guitar.?

Id go with the schecter, I dont have any negative experience with the washburn but I have lots of great experience with my own schecter. Its great for pretty much all types of music. It has a great grungy sound but also hits those sweet notes if you want something like john mayer on electric

Would you like to invest in an opportunity of a lifetime?

I would love to invest. These seem like good solid money making ideas. I dont even need to look into this. Just tell me where to send it and I will send you a blank check. Write a number down and we can get this started.

TICKET SCAM Do you know where is" Lynne Hojas" live in the Philippines?

I book in A&L UNLIMITED WORLD TOUR Dec 2009, my flight was FEB. 7, 2010 but I was sent home by PAL employee 'cause my ticket was canceled Jan. 23, 2010. the next day I went to A&L travel agency office but permanently closed. Several victims are looking for her. " Lynne Hojas" is now hiding, we want our money back, please help us if you have information .THANKS

Republicans, what would your ideal America consist of?

I'm trying to understand why Republicans seem to have a distaste for a "progressive America". So I'm wanting to ask you, if you could create an ideal America, of what would it consist? Mature answers, please.

Minocin and Differen?

No way! I've used it for a few months - absolutely NO side effects. :) It depends on your skin type and the size of the cream you apply and for how long you do so, though. But there shouldn't be any. :)

Have you read the Lord has restored His Church?

no and if you dont folow all of crazy joes rules you will burn in hell. heres a good tip, more wives more planets just remember to them all up good. condoms are made by the devil.

What to wear for track and field meets and practice's?

Well for the hurdles, long jump, javelin, and 100meters you're going to want spikes or at least running shoes. For shot: throwing shoes if you've actually started gliding or spinning, or else any shoes work.

Yugioh iron core of koa'ki mieru?

One Iron Core PER monster. One core WILL NOT pay for all the monsters. Think of it this way, you have 5 vending machines all selling something for a quarter. Will one quarter be enough to buy something from all of them? No.

Have you worked in construction and would like to share your experience?

I'm doing a project for work about working in construction. Have you noticed any red flags in the sector that you'd like to share, such as being underpaid because you were paid under the table, or the feeling that you were/are in a dead end job, or only working seasonally, etc?

What is a good Title for my book?

sky is a good name. for some reason i fell like saying you should call it all but gone... idk. but your story sounds really interesting, i'd love to read it!

Why is my dad coughing violently?

My dad keeps coughing violently throughout the day, and has been smoking for as long as I can remember. He is very headstrong and will not go to the doctors, despite me telling him to. He acts like he's fine, but it's obvious that he's not. He hasn't been coughing up blood or anything like that, as far as I know. He did drink a lot of coffee, and that made him cough a bit, but not a lot compared to now. He hasn't drunk coffee in months, but the problem persists. Why is he coughing so violently?

If my girlfriend's Ex-husbands name is on our sons Birth Certificate, can she still have me pay child support?

It's a real scandalous situation, and the 2nd part of my question would be, how is his name on the B. Certificate? She says the hospital did it on their own because they were married and thats where they had their daughter (same hospital). But, didn't she have to fill out a form or something stating she was the mother & who the father is? She would have to be the one who put his name on it... Right?

Hallo, i'm writing from italy...?

i'd like to see united states...can someone of you take me at his/her home for 10 days?????????????????????????

Getting rid of black soot from smoking?

is there a good way to remove black stuff from car upolstry? it's like black stuff from when I smoke in my car right to the side of my head on the roof. Help!!!!!!!!!!

Any Maytag guys can tell me how to remove the front panel of a 6000 Atlantis dryer????

There are two clips down at the bottom, one one either side. Use a putty knife or a small blade screw driver and spring them down. Then flip the bottom of the panel out and remove

Help with foundation problem!?

You should stay away from makeup till your skin picks up healthy. Use moisturizer and a compact till then. Follow your doctors' advice. Drink lot of water (8gles a day).

Rate my Yu-gi-oh Machine deck?

Looks ok, But check the rules if your planning on competing. Monster Reborn is forbidden. Check the rest in case I missed any.

Mình nhận email của 1 người bạn có dùng chữ SUS. Mọi người giải thích giúp nghĩa của từ này nhé!?

Neu ban viet ra dai khai nguyen cau van, hay chi 1 phan cau thi co the doan chinh xac hon. Vay la Google giai thich co nghia la -Bi nghi ngo` - chu SUS nay viet tat cua SUSS - con goi la slang - tieng long' cua no', Trong nganh dieu tra (Investigate) hay dung la On Suss - On suspicion = Bi nghi ngo`

Behaviour of men?????

james is the type of person that communicates his feelings through touch. the head lock is just and immature way of greeting you. the lightly toe stepping is a gentle way of asking you how you are.

Gonna try this again?

Unfortunately, employers has the right to let him go because he has no working permit at this time.They will be violating immigration laws if they will retain him.It is advisable to file renewal of working permit 3 months before it expires to avoid delays.

Are you good at movie quotes ?

So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald... striking. So, I'm on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one - big hitter, the Lama - long, into a ten-thousand foot creve, right at the base of this glacier. Do you know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When planting kale...?

It depends on what soil is beneath them. In beds with good soil they can grow close together. In conventional rows give them more space. Lacinto is smaller and won't take as much space as Russian, which can get 2 feet high. I thin them out as they grow (and eat them) to get the right spacing for cutting the rest of the summer.

Various names for my novel?

I like the name Corinne for the main character. The name Oliver sounds nice for the husband, too. For the heroes, you can call them polemistis-kide. I basically just combined guardian warrior in greek. Except I abbreviated warrior. For the world you can call it "Plevra"" which means side. Like other side or something. Or Isch�s which is power. lolz I'm sorry I'm using google translator. If you don't like my ideas you can just look it up on Google. :D It sounds like a good idea and I'd definitely read it. Good luck with your book! :)

How to keep my hair untangled?

I have kind of curly hair- as in it's not very curly but would still be considered curly. So every morning, I brush my hair and get all the tangles out then after about 15-20 minutes later, there's a couple of tangles in it! Please help me! And no home-rememdies please! Thanks!

Is 2000-2010 Tampa bays Decade in Sports history?

I agree that this was their best decade. They did not win the decade though. Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, and New York will make it hard for but a handful of cities to take a decade.

Don't you think Iain Gray betrays the Scottish people by not allowing them to decide their own future?

He literally said he opposes a referendum because he doesn't want the people of Scotland to decide their own future and run their own economy. Isn't that pushing the proverbial knife between the shoulder blades of Scottish democracy?

Why do health insurance companies drop people who are sick?

That's it completely. They don't give a damn about anyone except when it comes to collecting their money. If every person they covered died they wouldn't give a rat's @$$ except for the fact that they would be able to collect from those people anymore. Why do you think we need health care reform? Because the current system is completely effed up.

Inability to use cc or subject line when composing email?

If I start a new email and then cut and paste an address from another app (say from Excel), the cc and subject lines are suddenly inaccessible. I can get to the body of the email but I cannot type or paste anything in the cc or subject lines. This is an important issue - I always prefer copy and paste to typing to avoid typing errors. But I also need to be able to fill in the subject and cc lines. Please tell me how I can do all this with a new email. Thank you.

I have a rash from a quarter.. help!?

I put two quarters in my bra, cause i didn't have pockets. I forgot about them and left them there like, overnight and when i showered the next day i had like a mark. Oh well, I figured it would go away. But now it turned into a rash, that won't go away. and i've put like calamine lotion or whatever on it but it won't go away. Help! It's been like.. 3days/

These are great names?

I love them all, so individual. Why don't you have 1,3 and 5. i as a first name, 3 and 5 as the middle names. Lucky kid to have such a fun mum! Good luck:)

Just to get an idea, I need advice on car boot prices please, how much would you sell these items for? Thankyo?

With ornaments you have to be careful that you price them correctly because they might be highly collectible and people take advantage if you don't know the real value.

Family Guy: season 3, episode 18: Method to Madness?

Family Guy: season 3, episode 18, at the end when olivia visits stewie before she goes to hollywood and stewie is in shambles and ends up in an insane asylum, is there a reference to a movie there?

What is the role of discovery in litigation?

To discover as much of the truth as possible as well as doents and things that allow you to prove it.

Can Cats eat sardines?

I need to give my cats program for fleas, and they already ate their regualr food but the prgram needs to go into food. Can i add it to sardines, can they eat it? Thanks

Jews mainly please, okay I was listening to that Hebrew Radio Show again and they mentioned that some Jews...?

I have no idea what having known someone or having had someone in the family has to do with the person making this statement unless they were somehow inspired by that past person to become someone themselves in some way.

Hey! i have found a new inference on einstein's m energy equivalence please comment on it?

Nice thought.. But isn't it saying that total energy of the particle is twice it's kinetic energy?? Am happy you thought of this inference.. But just think of what i said.. Particles have been accelerated to .99c so this inferences can be verified experimentally too... Good Going!!

Pro Jumps/Power Risers?

Yes. People building the Vari-EZE type experimental aircraft have been building laminated fibergl springs to use for landing gear since the late 70's. This is the same type the power risers/ pro jumps/ etc. use. Further, you can get a good tubing bender and make the frames. Pull some bindings off of a snowboard and you are almost there. You'll still need pivot bushings(br or bronze), hardware, the traction nubs, and various aluminum plates.By the time you purchase the materials and tools and the tons of time it will take to make them(and uming they'll turn out right the first time) you'd be way better off buying some.

How to complaint against a private company?

“List Who Owes You and Get Paid” Can you put a value on the loss? It won't hurt to air your situation.

Can anyone recommend any good books on all of American history?

I recently picked up Norman Davies' 'Europe: A History' and though I realize it doesn't cover all of the extensive details of European history since it's pre-history, I just LOVE the idea of having at least a general outline of the everything in one single handy book; it's very rewarding. I was wondering: does anyone know of something similar for American History since it's humble beginnings as a small colony?? I would be very interested in picking it up as long as it is contemporary and respected. Also, if you can recommend something that comes in a few books, like a volume separating different periods, that'd be fine too though less favourable. Thank you.

The play everyman, does it have an 13 digit ISBN? And if not how should i cite it?

i need to use it as a source in an MLA format but i could not find an ISBN let alone any real information on the play, i read somewhere that no one even knows who wrote it. So any help on that would be really helpful thanx!

Engine sound changed?

I own DAihatsu Cuore 847 CC manual. I mostly drive on Gas. For the last few months, the engine sound of my car has changed. After starting the engine, the CNG kit heats up quickly and if radiator cap is removed, water comes out but the Temperature Guage doesn't show any problem What may be the possible causes and solutions??

Can anyone tell me the movie name where there was a bison hunting scene by the red indians.?

At the end of the hunting a little indian boy was being attacked by an injured bison and an European killed the bison using rifle...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Computer problems with the clock and date,what is powering these facets?

Currently running a Sony PCV-RS 630G I do believe there is a battery that powers the clock, where can I find this battery for replacement? PROBLEM I have to reset the clock about every 4 days, then it will loose 2 hours and upsets all of my times downloads and programs that are programed. Removed the cover to looked for a small battery but no success. Or am I looking for something non existent, if so what powers the clock and date on this unit.

Am I at higher risk for cancer now? PLEASE HELP!?

My mom ped away not even four months ago from cancer. I just found out Saturday that my grandpa has less then a month to live because they just found cancer in his pancreas, liver, and spleen. I know that with cancer my mom's oncologist brought up the BRCA2 gene and something like it was rare but my mom had it. Upon researching pancreatic cancer I've found that it too can be caused by this BRCA2 gene. My grandpa that has it is my mom's dad. I'm only 24 I can't deal with this crap. I just lost my mom less then four months ago. Should I be worried about this gene though? Am I more at risk? I tried asking my grandpa's doctor but he said pancreatic cancer is not caused by that gene and that doctors don't ever test for pancreatic cancer. But everything I've found online says that it can be caused by it.

For anyone with Schizophrenia, what medications have worked for you?

Are you seeing a Psychiatrist? Not 2 people are the same. There are some anti-epileptic drugs ;Lamictal {Search it} can help. Also a strong tablet callled Largactil. But i would not take any advice online. See a professional who knows what they are talking about. The human body is a toy.

Are girl cooties contagious?

I mean, like, srsly, can a guy go gay from hanging with a girl? Or will he merely increase his consumption of hair products?

So, is this gonna be the end for 'black Friday' shopping?

I hope all those people feel terrible. A man lost his life so they could save 50 bucks on an ipod, or whatever they went for. That guy went to work like any other day and never imagined that it'd be his last. How sad that we care more about saving a dollar than we care about someones life.

I have restless leg syndrome, I need help?

Hello I'm fourteen and I just found out I have RLS. I told my mother about it and she told me has it too. Last night I stayed up till 6 in the morning because I couldn't go to sleep. I have an irresistable urge to move my legs top stop this uncomfortable sensation in my left leg. It will not go away.. Are there any home remedies I can use? or medications? I'm about to cry because theyre driving me insane. Also do I need to see a doctor about this?

Am I seeing and hearing things or could this be a ghost?

It is very much possible, or some thought it would pull a funny prank and lie about it. But I mainly feel it is a ghost maybe wanting to get your attention. Go to the library learn the history of the house. But I have any question for you! Was there any signs of your door being opened in the night or anything moved in the room in the morning?

Iranian women’s soccer team forfeits 2012 qualifier over head scarves?

FIFA isn't a religious organization, they have their own rules, if you choose not to follow the rules of the organizing body then you can play soccer elsewhere. The Iranian women made their choice. I don't see a problem here.

President Washington CB Radio?

put a proper load i.e. antenna or dummyload on the other side of the meter and see if it is still making power out. If it is, no sweat, if not, you probably will need a new final transistor.

Why were the Ladybugs dead near the shoreline?

The lady beetles were probably migrating to their spring and summer home in the Central Valley when they were blown out to sea by a storm. Waves later washed them up onto the shore.

Why are Western economies and the IMF looking at China, India, and Russia for help?

If you see any other sources in order to help USA suggest it. However sooner or later new global financial system will occur.

Okay. Kinda Creepy. Should I be like, Scared?

Sounds like he has a crush which is dangerously bordering on obsessive / stalker. If he keeps haring you then you should definitely tell someone but warn him first. "If you don't stop, I will tell _____ " (your parents, his parents, your body-builder boyfriend/older brother/uncle etc...). Just the warning is usually enough to get guys like this to back off.

How can i become a better Doodeler?

I suck at drawling i can barley draw a flower does anyone have any suggestions on helping me? I don't want to take a cl its just my cousin is a really good drawl-er like shes amazing and she never took any cles please help!!

Im confused... help?! please!?

how could i read so much i think you are crazy ***** or crazy dog hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahaaha…

Read Historys Strongest Disciple Kenichi Chapter 323 Online ?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

In MW2 what gun is better in quarry?

I prefer the Famas in both maps. To me it is more accurate, but since it only has a 3 round burst you need to be quick with it.

Advice for business ideas?

A friend and I are considering starting a business venture. We both left college looking for a job within the public services sector. However due to the economic situation and in particular the cutbacks that the government are planning,especially for the police etc. we are looking to do something else. From article I have read it seems a home based business it best to start. We have had some ideas based on our interests. We are both keen sportsman and in particular football as along with our education knowledge. One idea was on-line sports clothing and equipment shopping and also buying into franchises. Is there gaps in the market for this? We would probably have around 6 thousand to start with but will probably have access to more investment should we need it. Other interests include property development, fashion and outdoor activities. where we lack in experience of entrepreneurial skills we had bags full of determination and our quick learners. We know that it takes time and a little bit of luck to make a successful business but it is something we are willing to work at for however long it takes. All advice welcome. Many thanks

Cute nicknames for me? :D?

I'm pretty outgoing, & Looking for a nickname that kinda puts me out there. I want one that makes people go "She's somebody I wanna hang out with" When they hear it. If that makes sense, haha:] My name's Michaela, People call me Kayy. I don't want the normal: Mickey, Kayy Kayy, Makaykay, or whatever. I want something original, & My brain is blank. Thanks xox

I have a 1987 mont carlo and i would like to kno can i change it from a carburetor to an fuel injection withou?

87 monte carlos are already fuel injection, there throttle body injection, looks like a carb but it isn't.

Pretty Willie?

Has anyone heard of the song Miss Pretty Lil P*ssy by Pretty Willie. If so what are the lyrics and where can I download it from???

What are some good ways to communicate better?

Listen more. Say "what do you think?" alot. Thionk before you speak and think about answering every question in 3 sentences or less.

Kx 100 and a ozark 250.?

okay my name is dylan. and i have a 2006 suzuki ozark 250 utility quad. ive had it for a few years. well maintained and such. i found a 2004 KX100 2 stroke dirtbike for sale and he would be interested in trading is what he said and i am a little sad of letting it go because all of the memories ive had. by the way its all stock. both bikes, so i am thinking about asking for a little boot. this will be my first 2 stroke owned. i have a 06 crf 230 i just traded my crf100 for a little while back. so how much of a difference would this KX100 be from my 250 quad. do you think i should trade bcus i want to keep two strokes alive. i also like to turn the wrench every now and then also. im 5'2 100 pounds. will this be a good trade?

Does anyone know players i can sign for arsenal or a mid premier division team? ?


I have been diagnosed with degenerative arthritis of my left foot.?

I cannot walk without a limp. What are the best meds to treat this? What is the best way to ensure that I don't end up with hip problems. I also have arthritis in my right elbow and both hands. Although my foot and elbow are the worst.

Which one of these guitars is best?

Which do you think is best: Gibson SG Faded Special, Les Paul Studio, or the PRS SE Custom 22? I like the thickness of the Les Paul neck (my hand cramps up after a couple minutes of barre chords on the ol' Squier Strat). Is the SG neck as thick? Also, I'm pretty sure the pickups in the LP are better than those in the Faded SG. I like the tremolo system in the PRS(and the wide-fat neck), and I can still get an SE Custom even though they've been discontinued. My purchase will have to stay with me for a long time, so whichever guitar I get will have to be decent quality. I will mainly be playing stuff from Rush, and Alex Lifeson used PRS, Signature, Fender, and Gibson. I know that the decision will be mine in the end, but what are your thoughts?

I haz a welfare question?

is it just me or would our country be better off if everyone who abuses the welfare system just dropped dead.

How do i get out of the Marriott Vacation Club membership at lowest cost?

I am dumb and bought the membership. Anyone can help me and advise how do I get out of it? I feel enslave by this membership deal for the rest of my lives and my kids's lives too...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why do people in the state of Michigan tolerate so much violent crime?

They are run by Democrats is why, and their voting base get all testy when they don't get their freebies

What is your opinion?

James Worby entered into a relationship with a woman, whom he married and with whom he had two children. He was a , and this was known to his wife prior to their marriage. After the birth of the children, Worby moved out of the matrimonial home and moved into another home with his male partner. An attempt at reconciliation with his wife failed. Worby asked the court to clarify his right of access to his children, aged four and six. Worby expressed concern about this issue. If you were the judge who would you award custody to and why? I think the mother should because the father left for his own satisfaction leaving the mother responsibility.

How much does a full eye exam cost?

looking at my last bill breakdown- IF i had NO insurance? my exam . frames ( covergirl brand) anti glare lenses, lens protection would have cost me $550

Iron Man 2, cameo appearances?

What do you think of the rumor that Thor and Hawkeye, making a cameo appearance in the upcoming Iron Man 2 (2010)?

How do I get him to leave.?

A delicate balance of subtlety and dynamite is required here old chum.......actually scrap the subtlety just plenty of dynamite (Splendid) Tip top.

Need Some Good Metal Bands?

Well, pretty much anything that's in the metal genre. I'd so with some The devil wears prada and August Burns Red.

Allergic to all shampoos? Any advise?

After years of using Pantene, it began to make my head, body and eyes itch. My allergist suggested Baby Shampoo. It did the same thing and he had no further suggestions. After trying organic/all natural brands, other baby brands etc., I can't seem to find anything that works. Why is this happening out of the blue? Any advise?

Can i use tpi on any 383 stroker?

I have a 1988 IROCZ with 33,000 miles has a 305 tpi engine I want to put a 383 stroker in the car can I use tpi on any 383 stroker or does it have to be setup for the car?

Que ago si los papas de mi novia no me quieren?

bueno pues los papas de mi novia no me quieren por k piensan k no le voy a poder buena Vida ella va a plir 18 anos pero no kiere ablar con su papa por k tiene miedo de k me digan de cosas o a ella k puedo acer espero k me ayuden..

What's your guardian angels name?

The bible never says anything about Guardian Angels. Why do people believe this, and where did you get the info. I am Christian, but I am always looking into other religions to see what I am up against and if I am wrong or not. Tob 3:8. What is that? Catholic, Mormon, what?

TEENS: Would you read this?

I wouldn't, it sounds like something for a 12 year old girl or a t.v show. And I don't generally read books with female protagonists. I know plenty of people that would read something like this though.

What is the Driving age?????

I heard toady that you were now allowed to get your permit at 15 1/2 is this true? I live in CT if that makes things different

What do you think about the Sookie Stackhouse books?

I haven't read them, but maybe I should. What mostly puts me off is the name, to be honest. "Sookie" sounds like a cute six year old with pigtails to me, a character from a picture book, and not someone I'm likely to enjoy reading about.

What's that shirt in this picture and where can I get it?

ehh...why? haha, sorry...but not the most attractive thing I've ever seen. I'd imagine googling Jay Chon would be a good start though...

Do they still sell Loreal Paris HIP Metallic eyeshadow duo?

I live in Canada, and I haven't lately seen them in walmart or Zellers. I'm not hunting them down so I might just not notice them. Do they still sell them?

Yahoo spades league by case ladders?

I'm a member of a spades league that is is by yahoo ladder cases my friend and i played together when we visited each other one time, we were never warned nor boxed, we were banned from the head admins stopping us from ever playing together again even when we don't live with one another. we were listed as same household accounts is this legal as to what the league has done to us remnd you we were never warned or boxed for a period of time and we love playing together . what can we do if there is something that can be done?

IS THIS good...?

Well i am a very dedicated basketball player. and in the summer i would wake up around 8:30 am to go to the park and play basketball and wouldnt leave until 2 or 3. that was before i started high school. i am a freshman, and now im so caught up doing homework, projects and all that other stuff i hardly have time for basketball now. i get home around 6 and then i dont finish my hw till like 9pm. i used to plat like 7 days a week. but now i only get to play like 2 times a week. but i have noticed that if i dont play basketball for a long stretch of time im actually really good then if i play everyday. is this good for me in the long run?

What do you think about the recent "body acceptance" movement?

I think that it is a good thing because, as a survivor of an eating disorder, I think that its important to educate young girls that everyone has different body types and that you don't need to starve yourself of purge to make yourself beautiful.

To my fellow atheists, agnostics and humanists, if you cheat, do you feel like someone's watching . . .?

I feel like I'm watching. And answering to me when I feel like I've cheated isn't fun at all. I don't have the advantage of saying I'm sorry to the sky and then feel all better.

Whatever happened to Disney's Recess?

Now that was one fun show, used to watch it alot in my childhood. With life ping by, I haven't got a chance to look back at the memories. Anyone know where I can buy a dvd with the episodes and movies or where I can watch/download em? And say whyd they cancel it?

Why does my bf have to take his bad mood out on me?

He shouldn`t do it. He`s taking you as a punching bag. He needs to grow up and face life as it is. We all have problems but making the best out of it must be our goal. I wouldn`t take it...I`m not willing to listen when people throw dirt and complain. I`m sure you`re a good listener and can support and give affection, but you don`t have to take all the garbage from the matter who they are. Let him know that..that is called respect also. And please, don`t be upset you did the right thing!--He should apologize...he`s spoiling your day..cuz he already spoiled his!. Don`t let that happen anymore...and enjoy your day, please!!

I was spaced out starting at oranges at Walmart, does he like me?

I was standing there blankly looking at oranges in walmart on a crowded saturday.....out of nowhere I hear "Are you Tabitha?" I look up, & its a handsome mailmain I that used to deliver every once in a while in my neighborhood about a year ago! I didnt know he knew me or ever saw me before so I was shocked he knew my name. Anyways, I said "Yes, are you my mailmain?!" (with a smile on my face)...I recognized him because he had a USPS coat on. He said yes and said he usually remembers his customers by their houses but he remembered me because I always have lots of packages going out (I sell on ebay). I apologized for all the annoying packages I used to have & he said "Naw, Thats what we get paid to do". He was so nice & I felt instant chemistry with him....BUT.....I got so nervous it felt like my heart was going to pop!! So I said "nice seeing you!" after we talked for about a minute...then I got out of these because I felt like sweat was shooting out of my armpits like a firehose. (I know, gross. But its my nerves!) So anyways, I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM. I am 38 years old and never felt this feeling. That may sound cheesy, but its true. Do you think it sounds like I could have a chance with him? Why did he go out of his way to say hi? I dont even know him?Am I reading to much out of him just coming up to me and saying hi? Ahh, what a dreamboat. Thanks for reading!

Has anyone heard about this new recession where the government is supposed to send tax filers $800?

I don't know how true it is, I haven't heard anything about it, but a friend mentioned it to me. Just wondering if anyone else heard about it or knows any details.

Desperate for cheaper textbook; Summary Notebook College Algebra/MML 1st edition by Trigstead?

Have you tried running an ad in the local paper? A lot of times, in a college town, there are other students eager to make a little extra cash.You may be able to pick one up cheaper that way.

Are there any Sega fanboys left?

I cannot tell you how long it has been since I have even heard the word dreamcast. I doubt they will ever make a return, and if they did, I doubt it would mount up to either the PS3 or 360. You can only go so far with cartoon characters. I am pretty sure Sonic is dead. You can only remake something so many times. I mean, look at Mario. They can only make some strange new storyline that would involve the same exact characters. I think you should buy a PS3.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

If an artist has one album that clearly better than the rest of their albums, does that hurt their discography?

For example, Gza and Ghostface are most commonly considered the two best emcees in Wu-Tang. Probably about 95% of people think Liquid Swords is Gza's best album, even though he has a lot of great albums. For Ghostface, people are usually split between Ironman and Supreme Clientele, or even Fishscale. Their discographies all together are both very strong, and I would say they're about equal in comparison to one another, yet whenever people argue why one or the other as the best member of Wu-Tang, for Gza it's primarily based on the strength of Liquid Swords alone, and for Ghostface the strength of his entire discography is usually brought up. If Liquid Swords was slightly worse, and one of his other albums was a little better, causing more debate over his best album, would Gza's discography seem better?

Perth Australia, where to stay, things to do ?

We (men) once were hunters of animals, gatherers of fruits and berries, and catchers of fish. Our women were keepers of the fire, and sewers of hide, and raisers of families. Now, we gather our food from large buildings, and refrigerated containers. Hearts once made of flesh and blood, have now turned to Marble. Modern times has placed many stresses upon it, the cracks have grown and joined together, until the fractured heart can take no more, and only dust remains. I have reached that stage in my life where I seek only peace and beauty, to turn away from all that is ugly in the modern world. I can offer to cook and pay for the food for myself and another of a similar nature. I wish to spend my last days learning more about places like Perth Australia, and to feel the warmth of sandy beaches below my feet. Anyone out there, wishing to share in this my adventure? Senior hunter of truth and splendor 60 plus.

Is there a way to get an HP All-In-One to work if you don't have the Control Panel Overlay?

I recently bought a HP PSC 1510 on a sale but it had no manual, cartridges or Control Panel Overlay. Only upon trying to use it did I find one has to have the Overlay for the thing to work. Is there any way one can byp this or what can I do? Thanks!

Chemistry help??? please?

The enthalpy of vaporization of liquid mercury is 59.11 kJ/mol. What quantity of heat is required to vaporize 0.300 mL of mercury at 357�C, its normal boiling point? The density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL.

What's Al Gore ever done to you?

When Al Gore speaks it's like hearing fingernails on the chalkboard. He is as annoying as Hillary Clinton!

History question!?

Discuss how "industry came of age" in the United States between the Civil War and the turn or the century and the impact it had on American society in the nineteenth century.


I'm a big fan of the ELM STREET series. Now I know their not well acted or well written. And the more they pop out, the they don't neccessary get better (number 6). But I love them! I love Fred Kruger. He's such a clic. What is it about ELM STREET or any old school horror thats so appealing?

Has anyone really consider what a "rapture" would imply? Really?

The sum of all people who confess Christ as their Savior who died for their sins, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Angelican, and all Protestant branches, total an estimated 1.9 Billion people in the world out of an approximate 6.75 Billion world population. All have fallen short of the glory of God, all groups have faulty teachings, and all have the righteousness of filthy rags. Therefore, if there is a rapture, God would be taking all who confessed Christ. Do you realize what this means, with Christians in nearly every occupational field in the world, if they disappeared or ascended? Hundreds of millions of car accidents; hundreds of planes falling from the skies, countless fires, complete world economic crash; m panic and paranoia; loss of utilities; devestation at worksights and in almost every industrial complex in the western world and beyond; doctors pulling babies out of mothers who disappear; hospitals in panic; people disappearing by the millions on live tv; collapse of businesses around the world, etc. This would be the greatest catastrophy to ever strike the earth- equal to the Apocalypse itself. And it would be the single most explained event in Scripture besides Christ. However, it's not; neither are the results of this "rapture" mentioned anywhere in Scripture. Paul warned about not being deceived about a secret rapture of Christ, foretelling all that must come first before we see Christ coming in the end of the Apocalypse (see 2 Thes. 2:1-8). He also teaches us that the still living won't be with Christ before the beheaded dead are raised (see 1 Thes 4:14-16; Rev. 20:4-5), which is at the last trumpet (1 Cor 15:52) when it's all over (Rev.10:7; 11:15-18). Search the book; the rapture is a paralyzing deception and twisting of a few Scriptures. Only a gathering to Israel during tribulations is mentioned in Scripture. And Christ will have no wedding without the entire Bride- Jewish believers too! Furthermore, He comes back at the Mount of Olives in Israel and is seen with the 144000 who are supposedly "left behind." As if He would celebrate somewhere out in space as the world and it's people are in torment! Foolish, foolish people!! And who do you think it is that is being beheaded for the testimony of Christ if the Jews are sealed!! And why do you think Scripture says that many of those who were killed would have to wait until their fellow servants are killed by the Beast too!! Did God rapture the first covenant people from Egypt, or did they witness the plagues? Did He lift all the animals into the ark, or did He call them by His Spirit? Has He ever saved in the manner Christians imagine? No!! He gave warnings for them to heed to protect them as they stayed on earth. Wake up rapture believers!

How do you pronounce these Arabic words?

They're all pronouced as wrote them so u pronounced it right and for the 4th word (kaak=is the same as ka'ak) for the 1st word i did get that word if you can tell me what it is i'd appreciate that.

What exactly does metaphysical mean?

I've read it in so many places, but I can't quite put my finger on just what it means. The context never seems to help, because every context makes no sense without knowing what metaphysical means! The cloest I can come is is the line where science and philosophical thought cross. Thats the best I can come up with...any ideas?

Would consider these illegals to be harmless how will supporters defend them ?

talk of all the diseases that the illegals are bringing back to this country..tb for one and others. cdc wont tell you bout that stuff..only illegals bring good things here, right//wake up

Do you think A.L. Webber ruined Leroux's work? Twisting, distorting the story?

I was having a debate with a friend of mine the other day over coffee. And she (no, it wasn't a date) was of the opinion that Webber ruined Leroux's work. You think she could be right?

Oil spill may derail the US climate and energy bill - is this the ultimate irony?

The Republicans will not gain seats in the upcoming election. The tea partiers do not represent the majority.

Weird names, Why or why not?

Just my opinion... don't do the whole weird name thing. It just seems like the parent is trying to hard to make their kid *special*. Let their personality make them different.

I was thinking about attending either Westwood University online or Everest University online and.....?

I was wondering if they were accredited colleges, if people have found good careers as a result of attending the colleges, and if you'd recommend them to me or anyone else. Basically, I am trying to find reviews concerning them which i've not had luck on thus far.

20-30 pound in ear headphones?

I've got a pair of full size Bose QC 15s, but i need something smaller to use on the bus to and from school every day, and i need some suggestions? i havent got a very large budget however, so in the range of around 20 to 30 pound would be nice

When this Folk singer performed a duet on his early album....?

Nashville Skyline, with a country music legend, he forgot the words to his own song. He was redirected back to the correct verse by that man in black who sang over him until the songwriter got the line right. The "blooper" was left on the album when it was released, the Folkie eschewing any retake, as was his usual habit in those days. What was the correct lyric?

My neighbor is a drug dealer, what should I do?

I live in a very nice urban neighborhood in the heart of a major city. All the houses in my neighborhood are 1940's bungalows. The community was originally all white, however white flight took effect in the mid 70's and now the community is mostly African American, however since earlier this century, the community has gone through gentrification and now there are a number of white residents that have moved into the neighborhood. The neighborhood is desirable because of it's proximity to Downtown and that residents over the decades has kept the community up. I moved into the neighborhood three years ago and have not experience or observed or heard of any crime at all. On my street, most of the residents are retire senior citizens that are home all day and serve as my security system because they know everybody and seeks out strangers. However on of my elderly neighbors has a great grandson that I am at least 99% sure that sells drugs. He is about 21, does not work, he is home all the time and has no car. I grew up in the rough side of Memphis, Tennessee, so I know the signs of a drug dealer. I see random cars appear, he come out of his basement unit of his great grandmother's house, either gets in the car or goes to the driver window, spend about 2-3 minutes and goes back inside. I have seen this behavior for the past three years. He has a thug appearance, but seems harmless, he is handsome, I notice that he has a young son and a girlfriend that visits frequently. My fear is that one day, a drug deal with go bad and something can happen to his great grandmother, son, or even me since I live directly across the street. I really don't want to get involved. He has never bothered me. I really have no concrete proof, but I am not naive, I lived with drug dealers (my uncle and sister's ex) before and lived amongst others in my neighborhood in Memphis, so I know all the signs, I could become a DEA agent. What do you think I should do?

Where can I get the whole Office cast in bobble heads?

Not all of the bobbleheads have been released yet. They're are actually just now being introduced to the actual actors that play the character (See Adventures with Angela).

How is Glenn Beck able to get the dirt on the radical socialist leftists aka 0bama's cronies and lackeys?

Good research team with great access to many resources and doing follow ups on all leads.And confidential informants.etc....

Christian Theist, Is the Bible really the Word of God?

If you don't believe that It is Nothing Will ever convince you of it! God Does Not Change and Cannot Lie..Psalm 31:13, 2nd Peter 2:10, Jude to You and 1st Timothy 4:1...Revelation 22 to you and Have a Nice day.

Who agrees with me?

Anyone who would burn the flag of their country has committed an act of treason as far as I am concerned! I do not care what country you are from, it is treason!

Favorite baby name!!!?

liam charles and scarlett isabelle. they sound very elegant. it's like they're from a royal family.. :D

Answering this question will help me stop been paranoid about having an STD so may answers would be good plz?

okay I went on holiday to Spain on 27th march for my friends 18th birthday so It was obvious that a lot of alcohol, on the 30th/31st march I got really drunk and ended up meeting a girl in a bar, I ended up having (for the first time) before we started of with her on top of me we we're both naked and there was obviously skin to skin contact, I wanted her to perform oral on me but she said she wouldn't with out a condom, my friend (drunk also) kept coming in the room saying I'm a virgin, anyway we went back to hers and she tried putting the condom on but couldn't so I ended up putting it on correctly, he started having ual and performed oral on each other (I wasn't protected) midway through , when we had finished I took the condom off myself and I don't think it had teared, I got back to my apartment at 6:30am and went to sleep till 10:30am and felt fine, a few hours later I had dryskin round my mouth and noticed a pimple on the corner of my mouth ( I've already had a cold sore before according to my parents when I was younger) then my friend kept saying I might have caught something of her this led me to a great deal of paranoia for 1 month and 2 week and kind of still continuing, I went straight to the doctor when I got home I he said it looks like and prescribed me antiviral medication, I went to see another doctor for an STD test he only tested me for chlamydia and gonorrhea the results came back negative, a few weeks later I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and had to go back to the doctors for help, she seem to think I was worrying too much and the chances of me catching anything are really slim, later through the week a managed to find out the girls name and message her via facebook, she said that she wouldn't be that much of a ***** and lie about not having anything and that she had a test a month ago which was clean and has not had since me and apparently she hasn't had a cold sore ever, I went to see the previous doctor that did my recent STD test and he did the full screening (apart from because I had no symptoms and he doubts I have that, got the results on rfriday morning and they all came back negative but I'm thinking about getting another in 2 months just to be safe even though close friends think this is stupid, I'd like to know what you think and your answers would help me a lot as this will help convince me that I have nothing, thank you for your time

Do you ever just want to rant?

Gays caused std outbreak because men have such high drives and they didn't want to use protection too so there.

Haircut helpxxxxxxxxx?

you should try getting it cut short at the front then get it layered longer to the back and letting it meet at a v shape at the back. it looks really good and makes your hair look longer than it really is. x

I want to make a makeshift curtain for around my bed?

I have to share a room with my sister and it is really annoying because she is always bugging me and always leaves the lights on at night. Im on the top bunk of a bunkbed and i want to make a curtain using bedsheets or whatever to block out light and make it my own space. I tried using ropes and a packet of blue tack but i cant get it to stay up. Any ideas?

Blackheads are invading my face! Help me please!?

Hey I have face issues. I have a lot of blackheads especially on my nose! It's like the invasion of the blackheads. I am 16 and it looks like a thin layer of (if you look closely) wrinkly skin covers them or something. It is also on my forehead and cheeks. I only have black heads unless the junk in them piles up enough to transform them into all glorious pimples. >.< I can't use biore because it gives me abrasions and thoroughly ruins my skin. I can't use proactiv because my skin is sensitive to the benzoyl peroxide. What can I do to get rid of these bad boys? And how can I keep my skin moisturized without clogging my pores? And how can I reduce the wrinkly look of my skin when you look up close?

After a heavy night on the town, anyone ever felt like a dead hyenas slept in their mouth??

I woke up this morning and followed a blood trail to the fridge, it was my liver and kidney's they needed a drink of water......

Has electing a black president done anything at all to absolve the USA of some of the race issues?

You would think that the fact that a majority of Americans voted for a black man would have absolved the USA of much of it's neurosis involving the race issue. But instead it seems like the race issue is more at the front of the national consciousness than it has been in at least a decade or two.

Fastest best handling car under $30K dollars?

It's that time once again....time for a new car. I'm getting rid of my 2004 Mustang GT. I'm looking for the best handling fastest car under $30K dollars. What do you think? I'm not a ricer so i want nothing to do with the 350Z. An I dont like the new Mustang GT's, so whats my best bet? A friend of mine recommended the Impala SS or a used Pontiac Grand Prix GTP. What do you think?

Contingent - What is that?

I Need Help - What is a contingent contract? My x-Mother-In-Law is having a new house built in the SAME neighborhood as me and I don't want her there. Anyways, the new house is contingent. How long does that last? She still has not sold her old house, is there a time frame that hopefully she misses?

Wachu think about [***2PAC***] da' death faker?

well first of all i have also look this up and i think it is true that he didi fake his death saying that makaveli was his idol andhe faked his death and on top of htat everything points to him faking his death such as thaere was no open casket at his funeral and you would think that they would saying he was famous and thae best rapper alive at the time and there has also been some sightings of him and lets not forget tupac shakur was very smart he went to havard and there are hidden codes in his music as well as numbers that all add up to him coming back in 2012 sometime not quited sure

Pregnant girlfriend and I are not married, what kind of insurance should she apply for? PLEASE HELP?

I am 22 years old and my girlfriend is the same age, she is 23 weeks pregnant. I earn over $50,000.00 a year and she earns around $23,000.00 but since we are not married I cannot put her onto my insurance. We live in California and we are trying to avoid the courthouse wedding idea. I know that there are a lot of programs we can apply for such as medi cal. However i was told that she would probably not be approved for it if her and I are together, and that Medi cal would then go after me to pay some of the bills, we have credit problems and cannot afford to pay much for insurance since our money is tied up. Does anyone know if medi cal or any of these other programs would go after me (the father) for any of the bills? I am not a deadbeat dad or trying to avoid paying for my own child, i just want to find out if there is an easier way to get insurance than paying out 500 or more dollars a month. Also does medi cal cover the delivery and stay in the hospital?

Forests of Brasil Declining or not?

I 'm an old guy and have been extremely worried hearing about the decline of the rain forest! last year I was in Brasil. In 2 weeks I flew from Sou Paulo To Tocantins then to, Matto Grosso, the Amazon!Then back to SP. Drove from Campinas to Sorrocaba and then to Bella Horizonte! The whole country is a huge Forest! Every village and town had herbal remedies from local trees, there was just an overwhelming abundance of forest and useful trees everywhere! So why the Hype when 9/10th of Brasil are forests!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Need help with a SIG P226...?

You need to lube the gun better. If the slide locks back mechanically on an empty when you work the slide by hand, then it is mechanically functional. I find it very unlikely that this is an issue of a too-strong recoil spring

Can anybody lead me to a link where I can download the 1995 TV series Flipper?

It's okay to link me to an online watching TV website taking in consideration that I'm not a U.S resident.

What are the staples of the clical organist's repertoire?

Im a pianist thinking of studying the organ for a while. So any tips would also be much appreciated :)

Santro LPG vs Spark LPG?

You should go for the santro as it is a well engineered car and also it sells a lot better than the spark so the cost and availability of spaces will be better then the spark.

Which of these two shoes would be better for casual dress?

The second ones, definitely. The first ones look distressed--made to look a bit more rough and therefore casual. The second ones are less casual (though still casual) since they are a darker color and smoother leather.

Can someone tell me how much Andre Iguodala really weights? I think made a mistake.?

There is no way I believe that Lebron has Iguodala outweighted by 50+ lbs. Lebron claims to be 165, how is Iguodala only 207!!?? He's one of the strongest small forwards in the league. I know he's slightly shorter than Lebron but, this can't be right. According to Kevin Durrant is heavier than Iggy??? No f'ing way!

The current view of the atom describes the location of electrons as __________.?

B...the old theory looked like a cookie...with the chocolate chips in certain places on a flat plane. Now you see the "rings".

Is this a good deal on the Nissan XTerra?

my brother in law has a dark blue '07 auto. The ride is rough and it's terrible on gas. It's got plenty of power for sure. if you carry pengers a lot, they wont be too happy. it is a nice vehicle, but as you can see doesn't hold its value. He bought his for 25k. Honestly, there is nothing really special about it if you're not off-roading.

I purchased some sari curtains but i did not get them lined. I thought i could do without but they are a bit ?

too light. How can i line them? Or is there a place that i can go and get it done? If i can get instructions i can do it myself.

1987 Pontiac Grand Prix advice?

A 327 is a really good motor to put in it, but, good luck finding one. Go with a 350 or 400. or if you really wanted to get radical, they offer a 454 small block, big block cubic inches and torque with small block size. But, for what you would spend on that, the LS1 with the kit would probably be the best bet. With the 327,350,400 swap you could use a lot of your same pulleys, mounts, and accessories.

Why don't YE Creationists understand that it's mathematically and biologically impossible for Noah's Arc...?

After Noahs Arc, there were apparently 8 human beings left to repopulate the entire world, 4 men and 4 women. It is impossible for 8 people to repopulate the world, it's impossible for the population to jump from 8 to 7 billion in a few thousand years.. also, how would you explain different races, Noah and his three sons were obviously not all different races, and even if they and their wives were it would take specialized inbreeding.. then each race would divide up and live in a separate part of the world.. the story is ridiculous.

What team would win if O.J. Mayo's USC Trojans played against Bill Walker's Kansas State Wildcats?

Yeah right watch USC. They will take Kansas along with anyone else in their path. OJ is a supreme talent, andwih what USC already has. Forget about it.

Ghana dosen't have anyone but themselves to blame for their loss right?

Like i know that if Suarez havent had used his hands to block the goal, Ghana would have scored and made it to the semi finals. But Guess what, Suarez did use his hands, so he got a red card and Ghana got a Penalty kick and then missed it. That penalty kick was a great opurtunity to advance to the next round, but they missed it. So Suarez should not have all the blame, they can share the it. Do you agree?

Your thoughts on the dark side of romance, perhaps?

I am presently going through a divorce and your poem hits home with me. I loved him when I said "I do". So many nights spent wondering if I was loved in return. Now I know it was a game he played so well. Your poem makes me ache and I needed these words you wrote. Thank you. Painfully beautiful poem. The words are like the dates on a tombstone. So much happens between the beginning and end. Between I do and you will.

Do you love the sound of drums?

It sounds so primal, and powerful. I love military drum arrangements their so awesome! I find myself clicking my teeth in drum patterns and then I start bobbing my head (I do this in private lol)

How do I stop thinking about this girl?

So there's this girl that comes into my work every now and then. She would always smile at me and act bashful. About 2 weeks ago, I mustered up a little courage and talked to her. She seemed glad that I did and said she would like to talk sometime when I asked her. I gave her my number figuring she was going to give me hers. She acted confused and said, "Oh, cool thanks." I should of just asked for her number. Anyways, she never called me and I feel really pathetic because I can't stop thinking about how I screwed up. Should I try and talk to her again the next time she comes in or do you have any tips for forgetting about it? Thanks.

A roofer is dragging a 15.0-kg bundle of shingles up the roof using a light rope parallel to the roof. The roo?

c.What is the magnitude of the force of friction on the bundle of shingles as it is pulled up the roof? The coefficient of kinetic friction of the shingle bundle on the roof is 0.520.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

There is this girl at my school who im really scared of...?

She is very deeply disturbed, she has stabbed people, been to 10+ schools and she is only in 6th grade. She thinks im her friend so she emails me about how her and her guy friends snuck out of the house and egged a drive thru and drew on a bil-board and thew tools out of a construction zone and running away hurt her ankle really really bad and was hiding the boys that went with her at her house all day because her mom didn't know and she now just emailed me that her phsico boyfriend saw one of the boys kiss her on the cheek and then he stabbed her with a pocket knife and that she lied to her mom about the ankle thing and she has a brace on her leg now and she went to the hospital and got stitches in her arm from the bf stab in the arm and told her mom she fell on something sharp. I told my mom this and and my one guy friend and his mom(we r close) and his little sisters heard and im scared that she is going to stab me now because she has been stabbed atleast 2 times before and she has stabbed someone and she gets angry easily, i just don't feel safe and im scared that she is going to hear from someone that i told or it will get to her mom and she is going to kill me... i have anxiety but i think this in kind of a ligitament thing... im scared to go to school next week! I know that she goes to counciling(so do i, i don't think that matters) im 13- a year and in 6th grade. Please help! I told my mom that i was scared and she said she just might have to hang at school all day if im that scared!!!

What is the diff between a lien and a pre-nup to protect your home before marriage ? and is a Lien easier ?

you can check with your local state laws.....but where I am from.....ANYTHING you owned BEFORE you got married, CANT BE TOUCHED by anyone because of marriage.

O mi god ravi in hollyoaks is bisual he kisses russ ! :@?

are you sure, why russ of all people. look the ravi dresses, I thought he was gay when he first arrived, but when he got with nancy I thought I was wrong, but if he's bi that makes sense.

Want to know the results of dark nights halloween night in a graveyard?

i set off about 6pm with layers food and a flashlight. i was gonna try and spook myself. i had bought extra batteries for the flashlight. i was alone too. i got to the cemetery about 7pm. i took one look inside the gate and i was like shiiit no and almost left lol. i finally plucked up the courage to go inside. not the cemetery but the churchyard. the cemetery is next to an old church. the oldest grave in the churchyard is 1653 or something like that. it was very dark in the churchyard but luckily i had my flashlight. i went right to the back of the churchyard where the old family vaults are. i switched off my flashlight. it was pitch black. i finally decided to attempt one more time to go in the cemetery. i was practically pissing myself. the gate was open and someone had hung their coat up on it. i stepped inside. i walked inside. it was so spooky. the moon shone brightly on the gravestones. i dared myself to go right to the back of the graveyard where theres loads of cover and trees and bushes. i was walking towards the back when suddenly i heard a bell. it definatly wasnt coming from the church. the eerie sound was coming from the back of the cemetery. a few minutes later it stopped. there is no chapel at the back of that cemetery. then finally i went in the back. nothing happened but i thought i was hearing footsteps everywhere. it was really dark. the trees were too thick for the moon to shine through. i was scared shitless. i certainly felt a presence. then i went out of that cemetery and went home in one piece.

Sony TV problem, please help?

The power board is a common issue on tvs. You can call or email the manufacturer to see what they say. It is probably not cost effective in repairing your tv due to the high cost of labor on repairs. Sony will probably just tell you or provide you with a list of authorized technician close by, so they can take a look (for a fee also just to determine what is wrong. You are better off buying a new tv.

Have Muslims thought through what would happen to Islam if troops left now?

Return: If you haven't noticed, we voted the tyrants out of office. I'll be sure to tell my innocent children people like you hope their country is invaded by the entire world because of the acts of a few power hungry tyrants. Thanks, douche bag

Tamagotchi V4.5 Help??? PLEASE!!!?

I found a secret code but I don't know where to enter it. I press a three x and the shopkeeper looks surprised, but I don't know where to enter it? What am I doing wrong?

Will The New British Army Rifle The Sharpshooter 7.62 Be Standard Issue?

It is a nice weapon, they only ordered 440 of them. This is going to be issued to sharpshooters for taliban patrols as far as im aware. The sa80 is a reasonable weapon.

Isn't it ironic that Hillary tells the Nigerian Government about the exact same thing Obama is doing?

How are we not transparent in this country? We even let wingnuts jump up and down and yell like little children publicly. And we let them drone on and on even though they are spouting untruths told to them by idealogues like that silly Palin cow.

Hormones and Migraines?

When I was going through puberty, I started to get migraines. I only had one full blown one, and a few after that where I got the aura but the headache never materialized. Then they went away. My question is, if I started birth control pills, am I at risk for having migraines as a side effect? They say it can be a side effect for migraine sufferers, so does that mean I'm safe since I haven't had one in years, or does it mean I'm susceptible since I've had them before in my life? I can't seem to find any authoritative information that would answer my question, so if anyone could point me to some that would be great. Thanks!

How do i connect a pc to a tv?

The specs for the TV show it has a D-sub connector. The specs for the computer show a DVI port. Get a DVI to D-sub adapter and run a regular VGA cable to the television. There are other options, but that would be the easiest.

Where can I download Uke Sasuke doujinshi?

I have surfed the internet and I couldn't believe I got none! So please be kind and put some links.. Thanks

I'm thinking of buying either 35 mm Af-s dx 1.8G or 70-300 AF-s lens.?

So after working for a while in DSLR , i'm thinking of buying either 35 mm Af-s dx 1.8G or 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens. So can u tell me which one I can get. Moreover 70- 300 is a FX one so if i put it on a APS-C (D3100) will it become 50-200?, if so do u think if i buy AF-S DX VR Zoom-NIKKOR 55-200mm f/4-5.6G IF-ED which is much cheaper will produce same IQ(Image quality). Moreover if u tell me niether of the two mentioned above is good then shall i go for AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 85mm f/3.5G ED VR , i heard it's good for closeups and macros , so can u tell me how will it perform for distant objects.

What are some bands like Klaxons, Interpol etc?

tell me the names of some bands like belle & sebastian, Peter Bjorn & John, Modest Mouse etc.

When it comes to fast food, which do you prefer?

My favorite is McDonald's. Burger King is next, if I need a break from McD's. I used to like Wendy's but their customer service has completely turned me off to them. What's your favorite fast food joint?

Are true Man united fans ashamed of users like Magno?

Are Arsenal fans ashamed of users like Oisin and Through Harmony?Or do you people have like a village idiot type of situation where everything they say is basically comic relief?

2009 Spring Cup Chase: Who do you think will be in and who do you want to be in?

Kasey Khane will make it, as will Ryan and Mark. Matt has won at Bristol so throw him in too. The Biff may lose out to Bowyer, I believe.

How do you say? (in German)?

You could add "gerne" to enphasize the black humour...So it would be "Ich biete dir gerne meinen Hals an."

Que es el formato?? en kaiba virtual?

alguien sabe ke es el formato en kaiba virtual?? porke todos me dicen jugamos con el formato de septiembre formato advance ke se yoooooo ayudaa

What is the best price I can offer for 2006 GXI honda city?

There is a 2006 GXI Honda City with Jain car, Chennai. What is the best price I can offer for this car, please let me know.

Serveral GTA Questions?

the spelling person u must be the nerd cuase u ur spelling them all ryt am not being cheaky am just sayin

Are you following all of the Sunnah?

first go and buy your own Sahih bukhari and read from it, donot rely on hadiths published on Internet , most of them are fake and written and spreaded by non-muslims, this one is fake.

What works best for tomato plants chicken,cow manure or Miracle Grow?

neither -add compost to the soil and mix well. provide plenty of mulch around the plants and water daily with the drip system. use Osmocote when planting -it lasts the entire growing season. the fruits are veggies are sweeter and tastier when they're smaller, so pick them a bit sooner on the vine.

Does anyone know Georgina Jenkin/Leenaert?

My sister disappeared about three years ago in France and we've been unable to locate her since. Interpol don't want to know. She was married in 1996 to a man called Jean-Marc Leenaert and divorced about 3 years later. She has a 12 year old daughter called Morgane, who lives with her grandmother. I don't think she's dead but I would like to know where she is and that she's happy. If you know her, please let me know.

Australians, Anthropologists or Anyone who knows?

I just finished watching the movie "Australia", at the beginning there is a written WARNING, "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers should exercise caution when watching this film as it may contain images and voices of deceased persons"...can anyone explain the significance of this Viewer Warning?

There was a police report filed but was beat up when i picked FBI says no jurisdiction who's responsible?

The court has covered up these felonies to further continue the conspiracy of Theft of court paper work, terrorism, terrorist threats and conspiracy to cover it up. ON 7/10/00 1:31 falsified min order with allen p fields and the 28 day extention from riley was too. This hearing was a fake it was a cover up for the theft Of a proof of service in which they used judge rileys. I filled this motion at the counter. the lady Lynn Murray called me a liar then she went at got the file she said your a liar I ask her to get supervisor She said her supervisor was on vacation so I said get any sup robin Parker came made sure it was in order she look in file saw the court letter to me daina ecabell and said we have to take it. In addition, she made sure it had a proof of service attach to it stapled. And made me change the part about the medical docs where submitted not attached now she missing and they said Murray was dead. The extension enter for a 28 by riley was a false . So allen p fields is not the only judge used. Then on 4-12-01 exparte min order hearing set before pro tem Judge Steven Br Keller set a hearing for 5-16-01. In which he set this case for trial.on 5/17/2001 protem appointed james j obrian to be acting judge extra and on the same day 17 there was a letter from riley asking me to answer his servey for his settlement program or something .Then on 5-21-01 motion for judgement on pleading was interred by Allen, p fields retired judge appointed chief justice in 1998. Gave a tentative ruling and set the hearing for 5-30-01 so who set that hearing up and said I was present for the 5/21/2001? That is false they lied. I was given that on the 23 third of May after the 21st hearing they set up the hearing on 5-21-01. Mailed notice to Travis smith in five days plus was able to get chief justice Allen p fields to hear it in 5 days not possible . So if those to be falsified then the judge who herd the 5/30/2001 was impersonating a judge. Plus the bailiff who threatened me on Oct 30 2000 came in the bailiff that was there look at him and said don’t threaten him and then the officer who threaten me said yea we know what would happen I took that as a threat this was a group effort I pressing charges of theft conspiracy and terrorist threats case number pg0102054 Commissioner ward dryer is part of a felony investigation where Jackie davenport falsified a court order police report pg0102054 in which she said That commissioner ward dryer vacated a motion to review filed at front counter. She lied and told him told him it was the one I fax Jackie Davenport did this to cover up theft. But commissioner ward dryer told Travis smith in front of 2 sheriffs that he did not vacate the motion that was filed at the counter

Can my red eared slider eat crayfish/crawdads?

I have a pet red eared slider. I just began starting to feed him live food. I have fed him red rosy minnows and comet goldfish along with some live crickets. I was wondering if it's safe to feed him crayfish. I have fed him about two and he has eaten them I just wanted to make sure they are safe and if so what is the maximum length I should feed him? One last thing when I have fed him in the past I cut off the claws if they are big so he doesn't get pinched.


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Will i like calafornia? thinking of moving their one day........?

so im about to move out of north carolina ( i hate it judgemental people,jesus freak wanna be chirstians, if you dress goth or something they call you a satanic freak they think they know you jsut bi looking at you and wouldent mind you dying just because you choose not to be like them) i even get beeped at bi cars just bi walking down the road. my question is: is calafornia worth it for me? i like to live how MOST people live. cities and stuff. where you get many types of people ( emos/goths/skaters/gangstas/ people who be themselfes ECT) and that is how most people live. i like open minded nice places not ones that think thier way is the only way.i like warm weather to and hate the cold.i cant stand the ( small missing out on the world evrybody is the same way ) kind of lifestyle.i like where evrybody tries diffrent things and visit other places and are actully enjoying their lifes. im just not a southern person.and dont get me started with the threats to hell.they think you need to respect their culture yet they disrespect the gothic subculture ( do research on REAL goths their THE nicest people ever) i meen just go to youtube on a goth video or something.if somebody talks crud about it people will say ( close minded much? -.- ) ECT. i like THAT kind of attitude. and most people live in those kind of places.

Pokemon Pearl Walls (urgent plz answer)?

the wall paintings that shows mesprit azelf and the other one wut do tey do exactly? does it unlock an super secret event? cuz i found 1 in the mt.coronet near hearthome and one in that city where it shows the golden walls with palkia n=and dialga painted on them.

Rate My AL, NL All-Star Baseball Team?

Drop Sizemore, A-Rod, Manny, Varitek, Jeter, Kazmir, Howell, Springer, and Beckett. I would give it a 3 out of 10. No offense.

Fellow Netizens: When a person posts on internet IN ALL CAPS, DO YOU PERCEIVE THEY ARE SHOUTING?

Yes I feel that way. It is just basic manners not to type in all caps. And if you are so lazy that you can't hit the shift key, you need to get off your duff and go work out or something instead of having your fat tail plopped in front of the computer all day. I don't talk to people on the internet that can't give me the common respect to use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. Screw 'em. They are totally ingnorant.

Been offered a once in a lifetime opportunity and my dads not letting me do it, HELP!?

Tell him, because IT IS a once in a life time chance. My aunt went to Italy, and had a great time, through one of these programs, with her school. What your dad said, isn't true.

What's the one thing my snooty cousin and his stuck up wife can't buy?

Better weather for their big annual BBQ today. Supposed to storm like a motha today! Since he went off and worked in Iraq for the "big money" he and his old lady think their **** don't stink.

How come makeup makes me pale?...?

maybe ur using the wrong shade for ur skin. try going a bit darker with ur foundation...or start using a powder pronzer like NARS laguna bronzer.

Where to play old GBC games online? PlayR?

I've tried PlayR last night and thought I saved Pokemon Red and The Pokemon TCG... I checked my "Saves" and it says I have no saved games. That's pretty annoying. Does anyone know how to save their games on this website or know any other methods of getting to play old gameboy colour games?

Incredibly frustrated with job search...what do I do?

I have been looking for a job non-stop now for nearly 6 months. To me this is ridiculous. I am running out of money and fast. I graduated in June with a degree in marketing. I had no idea how useless this piece of paper really was. All I find are low paying telemarketing and door-to-door jobs working next to people with GEDs. No offense to people that have GEDs but I put the time and money into getting a degree and think I deserve a little better then that. I had excellent grades, graduated Summa *** Laude from a Big Ten University and this is all I can get? I am not expecting to make like 50K..more like 30K and even this is an impossible request. I have no experience, where the **** do I get it? I'm not working at Arby's after spending this time in school. I'm sorry but I have some pride. I'm also sick of people that ume that I want to do sales because I majored in marketing. I like marketing for the promotions and research side, but they ume I love sales. So I am fed up with it and want to know what degree I should pursue that would find me a job easily. I hate the process of job search and interviewing. I need to do something where I'm hired based on how well I can do the job rather my personality and how professional I dress. Suggestions are helpful and don't get me wrong I have a good attitude usually but I've had enough and this is more of a vent then anything. I didn't mean to offend anyone with this question and yes I am a spoiled kid that has got a large dose of reality shoved down his throat. I acknowledge and am merely looking for some direction. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rank my Fantasy Baseball Team?

How much teams are in this league? Your offense is loaded!!! 10/10 for offense. Your pitching kinda sucks. Your best starters are Shields and Lee. Your pitching staff is servicable, but not great. 7/10. But offense makes up for it!!! So 8.5/10!!

Guys, can you pee without making a mess?

My aim is to keep the bathroom clean. Your aim would help. Guys stand a little closer, its shorter than you think and ladies please remain seated during the whole performance. Guys who sit never leave the seat up. If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweety and wipe the seaty.

Anyone seen my dad Somber?

He hasn't come home from the gay bar we visited 2 days ago. I'm worried that that the boys in the bar might be giving it to him really harshly in the and mouth. I need him to come back so we can finish off our mutah and have again.

Has Any Kind of Animal Saved Your Life or From Peril?

when i was 6 years old i was taking my dog out for a walk... and i think there was a dog with rabies but he was about to attack me and my bichon frise (which was about a foot smaller than the other dog) bith the other dogs tail so i had time to run away.... (the other dog was like as tall as a great dane but it wasnt and it was muscular...buff dog haha)

Is it easy to sell a stock on the PSE?

When the company goes public, its shares can be traded in stock markets. Whether the shares will trade actively or not at all depends on many factors, including the size of the company, the market in which trading can take place, what the company is earning, and what its future prospects are. In general, however, you should be able to sell your stock easily, simply by calling a broker and offering it for sale. What price you will get for it is another question. Again that depends on many factors, including whether or not other people are willing to accept your price or if you are willing to accept the price they offer.

Ideas of things to do with a 6 year old child?

Even if you don't homeschool your local homeschool parents might have a lot of options for you. They have probably tapped into every extra-curricular science cl, Lego engineering cl or hands-on cl/group there is in your area.

What are your views on the death penalty?

i was reading the Star Tribune this morning and i saw a guy in South Dakota was gonna be put to death by lethal injection. the first in 60 years. this man 25 and 2 friends beat, totured and mutilated the victim. made him drink acid, had him in a freezing river, beat him, stabbed him. i believe near spearfish SD. so my question is knowing a little of what he had done to an innocent victim. do you think he should die or spend life in prison? the man wants to die, was suppose to last august but GOV. Mike rounds postponed it due to legal reasons. he is suppose to die this week. just curious on your views.

How can we generate a wormhole?

The thing that is stopping us from doing this is that we don't have the ability to manipulate gravity, to do that, you would need a material of infinite density. You would then have to place said material inside of a star close to going supernova. The star would have to be big enough to glow violet, witch is the color of some of the most powerful stars. When the star goes supernova, if it is big enough, it should provide a nice gama ray burst. The star would then implode upon itself causing the particle of infinite density to then implode thus causing a man made wormhole. Now the gravity thing, you would need to somehow retrieve the other end of the wormhole, so, you would have to manipulate the gravity to where the wormhole sucks the other end through itself. Even then, you might destroy the wormhole in the process.

I'm feeling guilty. Was this right?

Well, I was at a party one night. It was just a normal party that my friend hosted at her house. Then, some guy invited a LOT more guys over and the party got out of control. There was also alcohol that some guy brought in. It was really crazy and out of control, so I was about to leave, when this guy came up to me. He looked drunk cuz he was wobbling a little bit. He then came over to me, and grabbed my hand. He said, "Hey. Look at you fine thing!" I said,"Please let go." He then said, "I don't wanna!" And then touched my . I jerked back and told him firmly to stop. And he said no, and touched it again. So I kneed him in his nuts as hard as I could. He fell like a brick and was moaning a lot, and was writhing in pain. I then left the party. Afterwards, the next day, my friend who hosted the party said she got in trouble by her parents once they came home. Also, the dude I kneed, had to go to the hospital and have a testicle removed, and she was serious. I now feel really guilty. Was this right of me or not?

Why do Protestants reject the doctrine of the Sacrament of Penance?

Why do Protestants reject the doctrine of the Sacrament of Penance? This is the sacrament of where the faithful confesses his or her sins to a priest, and the priest gives spiritual adivce, gives him or her a penance, and then absolves the sinner. On Easter Sunday, Jesus breathed on His Apostles and said, "receive ye the Holy Ghost, whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." (John 20:22-23) See here the commission, stamped by the broad seal of heaven, by virtue of which the pastors of Christ's church absolve repenting sinners upon their confession.

I would like to talk to someone about a issue with my nephew.Very inportant?

My nephew is in trouble for murder.but for some reason we think he is scared and not talking and that he keeps saying his mom and brother and his new baby like someone is going to do something to themIs it possible that his life has been threaten and this is why he does not want to tal.I need a answer ASAP.Thank you,Ruth K.

How do I do a split so I can have emil on 1 side and IM on the other simultaneously?

I like to IM yet am inveriably ask if I got an email so if I can do a split screen I could ck with next to 0 hle. Merry Christmas 1 and all!!!

Why do people think IPs lie?

This person that has been stalking me tried to use many IDs at once to basically act stupid. What she didn't realize was that the IP was exactly the same. Why don't they listen when you tell them flat out you know it's them because of their IP? I think it's a little coincidental that all of those people are acting stupid living on one street. And how do they turn Ignore off? What's wrong with these people? And why be so cowardly as to allow communications temporarily in order to send mail but too much of an infant to receive it? Anyway, same IP to me means same person. What's your take on it? BTW, I used IP tracers as well, so I know for a fact they are the same person. Right down to the street they live on.

How to become more confident en pointe?

practice practice practice, make sure when your at the barre make sure you are all the way on your box. Ask your teacher for any further advice

Does this sound good to eat?

A spicy taco soup with pinto and black beans, chicken, onion, garlic, green chiles, jalapenos, 1 habanero, zucchini, yellow squash, fresh corn, tomatoes and cilantro; Spiced with taco seasoning and a packet of fiesta ranch powder as well as additional chili powder, in and cayenne (I like it HOT lol!). Served with cheese, sour cream, avocado and more cilantro. Does this sound good to you?

What should i do right now?

ok, so i am 13, home all alone a lot, and have nutun to do but the same old drawing, listenin to music, and everythin else, i am a girl and am not interested in tv, sports, or video games. if you could help figure out something to do in my free time that would be great...also i have a boyfriend, and i really want him to kiss me..what do i do??????????!!!!!!!!!!!! plz help me with both questions plz!!!!!!! :(

Me 2 years on hormones?

OMG!!!!(jaws drop till the end of the clip)i would have never guessed you to be a trans.not only do you look absolutely feminine your so pretty tooo....goodluck on your journey.

My glans (head) is connected to the inside of my foreskin?

OK so I'm a 14 yo guy and I can't retract my foreskin because my glans is attached to the inside of my foreskin. It is attached at the back in a vertical line down. If you are looking at where it is connected from the outside you can see a faint red line where is attached. Is this normal? I don't want surgery unless there is no other option as I don't know my doctor well and I don't want my parents to find out. That would be really embarring. What can I do?

Who was one of the first female rock singers?

My teacher igned a report on women's history,and i know that i want to do a women in rock music. But i have to include what she did/contributed and things of that nature. My friend Kaeli gave me the idea of using Janis Joplin as one of the first female rock 'n roll singers. But my only problem is,was she the first? if not,then who?

How does he make that noise?

It's hard to explain on here. You have to make you lips into a circle & your mouth into a cave. Then when you thunk your cheek, you open your mouth at the same time. This will let the sound out. It takes practice! Good luck!

How do you change the icon of a Just Basic program?

i have made a small program using justBASIC, i have made it executable using the runtime, but how do i go about change the justbasic icon that it automatically uses to a custom one of my own?

Is the creationist position intellectually honest?

I've seen hundreds of evolution vs creationist questions on here but it boils down to be asking the intellectual honesty of some of those positions. There are those that teach the creationist viewpoint that take the positions that radiometric decay rates are not constant, no transitional fossils (not arguing whether this meaningful just stating it), various positions and papers the Institute for Creation Research publishes--all attempting to use reason and rational thought to disprove the concept of evolutionary biology. All well and fine--this is part of the scientific method--objections are raised--these can be falsified or not. Having said that the creationist then will not apply the same logical reasoning skills and methodology to a book he claims is the inspired literal word of his deity. If we examine that premise with intellectual honesty-it should be relatively simple to strengthen or weaken the position. The epic of gilgamesh predates the biblical noah story by over a thousand years, the king sargon myth predates the story of moses by over a thousand years, the babylonian creation myth of gods creating men from the clay of the earth predates genesis--we find most of the ten commandments in the egyptian book of the dead--and we find that many of the spectacular bible events have no historical/archeological support. It seems odd that a deity wouldn't write an original book--so the fact that these stories predate the bible and the bible stories sound suspiciously like they were taken from them--at least like the no transitional fossils idea should be suffiecent to make one question not whether there is a god--but whether the book is literal or not literal. However logical reasoning is thrown out the window in this arena--isn't that the epitomy of intellectual dishonesty? Picking and choosing? Serious question. Wouldnt creationists be better off simply saying I don't care is found nor what the explanation is--my blind faith tells me this book is true. The point is--isn't it dishonest to use logic and reason to poke holes in evolutionary biology--but forego using that same logic and reason to evaluate their own bible faith?

I was offered a job taking inbound calls for dish network and i was told i would average $25 on each sale?

and that it is very easy to make at LEAST 2 sales per hour but that would be $50 an hour or more and seems like alot of money and that everyone would be doing it if it were true, I was just wondering if anyone has done this before and if this a real expectation?

The window titles dissapeared? how do i fix it?

I don't exactly know where, but if you google a registry fixer, checker, etc, you can find it POSSIBLY.

Is Sam Langford a TOP 5 ATG?

Boxing historian Bert Sugar ranks Langford #16 right behind Joe Gans. Sam with a few exceptions was regulated to fighting mostly other black fighters of his day like the ones you mentioned. He obviously beat fighters from nearly all weight cles. He also beat the great welterweight Barbados Joe Walcott along the way as well. Heavyweight Champ Jack Johnson flatly refused to defend his title vs Langford. I noticed that you have Stanley Ketchel on your list but the fact is, he did not beat Ketchel. He boxed a no decision 6 round bout with him while Ketchel was Champ in 1910, the year of Ketchel's untimely death. From what I read Langford scored well early in their fight but Ketchel took control near the end of the fight. Too bad he never got a shot at that title too. Langford had great skill and power is is a legendary fighter but I cannot rank him in the top 5. As a matter of fact I rank him somewhere between 11-15.

Have you heard about the suspicious deaths of 24 US scientists?

I wouldn't believe anything I read on that website. The story has not been fact checked. The first paragraph contradicts his own headline of "suspicious death of 24 scientists" by saying "more than two dozen". Two dozen is 24 is not more than 24. If his first paragraph contains errors, how can you believe any of the story?

Show dress style........?

I was younger than my sisters and have no idea what I wore to the rodeo (as spectators) so young I had no fashion sense. But I sure remember the year my older sisters went along in their hot pants - my eldest sister made hers out of hot orange material!

CHRONIC unstable knee questions..plz HELP!!!?

i am a mom of 2 toddlers, & have a chronic unstable knee (possibly MCL damage) that limits me w/ any activities w/ kids. Unstable knee has "gone out" (severely)on me approx. 10 times, & will slightly "tweak" on me every other day. Now have constant pain, swelling, etc. Been through physical therapy twice with very little results., wear knee brace when absolutely needed . Dr wants MRI done to see what needs done with MCL or anything else during surgery. . My problem: NO INSURANCE!! MRI costs upwards of $600 i've heard, and i can't afford that, let alone surgery!!! has anyone had this kind of surgery? what is the approx. cost ??? any ideas of where i can get info on CHEAP insurance that will cover this, etc would be greatly appreciated!!! I so much want to be able to run & play with my kids!!!!!

Win XP - Unknown Print Jobs?

deleting your printers and reinstalling them is a good best with old Plug & Play printers which which installs automatically after the system auto-detects them and works even without their install CDs..

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can I get a torrentleech invite? Holla!?

Can anyone give me a torrentleech invite? I would really appreciate it. I can offer a copy of the script for Tarantino's new movie or Giullermo Del Toro's Carnival movie but that's about it. Sorry boys.

My wife is really messy, how can I get her to be more organized?

I clean up all the time and try to keep things as organized as possible but my wife is a pack rat and when shes in a hurry she just leaves stuff all over the floor. For example jackets, shirts, shoes, makeup and etc, shes a mess. Ive tried talking with her about this and she does the same things over and over, and believe me its getting very tiresome when you also have a 2yr old boy to cleanup after. I'am so pissed off right now, I dont know what else to do, I cant drop the ball or she wont clean, yelling at her hasnt done nothing, how do I wake her up to her habits?

Is osaka better or Yokohama as far as cities?

as history goes yokohama was a little foreign but i guess with chinese, for english speaking people, tokyo would be the place. i am from osaka, we a little more laid back than tokyo people, comfy i don't know. friends makes a place comfy.

Do you know any people who are genuinely inbred? Not just as a joke or anything?

I know this guy whose mother and father are 1st cousins, but he looks totally normal. Almost goodlooking. His mother, on the other hand, looks like an extra from The Hills Have Eyes. Her parents were brother and sister... no lie. I forgot which country they were from, but they used to be my neighbors a few years ago.

Melanoma in gray horse? Vet help?

I am thinking of buying a gray Arabian horse that the owners tell me have melanoma. I have talked to the vet that checked him and he said it was incredibly mild, they're just some tiny black bumps, and that its something I could wait a couple years before I even need to think about treating it. But I want to know first of all, is that true? That with a horse with mild melanoma you just wait for it to get worse before you treat it? And second of all, what options are out there for treatment? I know surgical removal has its pros and cons I've heard, so what other options are out there? And how much money can I expect to spend on treatment?

Teens; opinions? 10 points? Much appreciated :)?

I love it! it sounds like something out of a published book! i definitely read it if i saw it at the library. Is this the very beginning of the first chapter? it sounds more like it belongs in the second or third chapter after you've had both characters developed more so we are more emotionally invested in solara when she says she's preggo so we are more impacted by it. but again i love this book so far and now im kinda sad i have to leave without knowing what happens to her :( *sighhh*

Employment after having a misdemeanor?

This is a real big issue in America especially if you're Black. Fortunate for you, you had the charges reduced to a misdemeanor. I would suggest looking at sealing if not expunging your record. Keep in mind that we are in a recession and most employers want to pick the cream of the crop with slavery wages. So the probability of you landing a job with a criminal background is plausible but extremely rare in these days. If you have a skill or a hobby, turn that into a money making machine and look for part-time work until the market change. You never know, your side gig may make you more money than you anticipated.

Subhlah I have found clear proofs of the 12 imams?

The ones who the Shee'ah claim as their Imaams are free of them. 'Alee Radhiallaahu anhu did not call to what the Rawaafidh are upon, neither did Hasan or Hussayn radhiallaahu anhum.

Just diagnosed with blood clot in leg. When will the pain end?

if your on blood thinners it should clear up in a day or 2 but you should be pretty worried about it moving to lungs,heart or brain if you feel that pain move from your leg to your heart,lungs or head call 911 as soon as possible My mother had a clot move to her lungs and nearly died be careful

AKA: Volunteer Hours?

HI. I am a prospective member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, and i have a question. I read in the packet that only volunteer hours 2 years prior to MIP will be accepted. Does that mean you have you to volunteer 2 years before you apply or any hours within a 2 year period are fine? I really need to know because im too shy and concerned about secrecy to ask any of the members on my campus.

What do you think of my story so far?

It's not horrible, but it's not great, either. You miss punctuation marks or use the wrong ones, you're writing isn't fluid, there are a few odd sentences. It needs some serious editing, but other than that, it's okay.

Use the quote below to answer questions 1 and 2.?

You cannot answer question one with that quote. The quote gives no information what so ever on the answers of question number one. As for question two, the only answer that could make sense is letter "c"-baths.

Do you think this Professor is Unfair?

Okay so I attend Harper College in Palatine Illinois...I had this Professor who posted grades online on this online grade book called Blackboard....according to my points received divided by points total I had an A in the cl...but when she igned a research paper that was 210 points I did not do it which brought me down to a B according to the amount of points received divided by points earned... and I planned on this because this paper was 210 points at the end of the semester i noticed after the final she posted at the bottom of the page the letter grade of a "D".. basically according to the professor she said that since I did not do the research paper I can not p the cl with a C or even a B....She said that her ignments were weighted and the paper was 15 % of my grade.....I knew this from the syllabus but she never reflected her weighted grading system on blackboard which to me is extremely misleading... she said she was unable to incorporate her grading system into blackboard, but why would u post grades on blackboard if there not the right grades or point values for that matter? this is what I didn't understand, I just had an e-mail conversation with her regarding these issues...on the rubric for the research paper it said that it was 210 pts total not anymore or less than this amount.... and this same amount was posted on blackboard...she also said she announced several times that her grading system and blackboard are different, but I dont recall her ever saying this, and I was in cl everyday this issue with grading should have been posted in the syllabus its very important to know because i sure didnt the whole semester....She also contradicted her syllabus by announcing that after finals her last day to except late papers was on a tuesday....but according to her syllabus it said that she excepts late papers 2 weeks after the due date with 10 % off the paper which was that thursday instead of that basically all wed. I finished the research paper and turned it in thursday but she refused to except it...and submitted my grade as a D on my transcript..I am currently trying to resolve this situation... I just want opinions on this matter because I think this is unfair

What is a 1968 snoopy/peanuts calender worth. In excellent shape the size of a record album?

It would only be worth something to a Peanuts collector. If I were you, I would try and find your calender on e-bay and see what prices they are changing hands for. A collector would pay as much as they could afford.

Help me with some advice please?

What are they doing to treat the condition? I'm not saying you don't need some pain management, but what about something to slow or reverse the damage that has been done?

A good scope for a 500 yard shot and it has to have turret adjustments on it ?

at 500 yards you do not need turrets. turrets are only good if you know how to use them and if you have time to. mil-dots are much better in most cases. get a good scope with mil-dots and learn how to use them and you can find range, adjust for holds, windage range, elevation, humidity, angle, etc. the first part about shooting a 500 yard shot is to be good enough to pull it off. you dont need any kind of special scope, at least not if you are a good shot. even if you do get a good scope then you still have to have the muscle control, stamina, breath control, ballistics, windage, elevation, angle, position, and so mush more stuff. shooting isn't just "point and click" like a computer game. it takes hours of practice which you don't have if you need "a good scope for a 500 yard shot (that) has to have turrets on it" if you have ever done any moderate range shooting(300-500 yards) you would know that all you need is a scope that will hold a zero. you don't know much about shooting, and you will fail.

Did Danielle Bux marry wingnut for the money?

Possibly, I read somewhere that she has dated other footballers and was engaged to another so that kind of screams serial wag but she does seem nice enough.

Looking for fps games?

America's Army, Far Cry(Get the full free game on, Full spectrum Warrior(Also free on